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New Feature Updates & What’s to Come…

We have a lot of exciting site updates underway, and you’ll continue to see new features appearing throughout the year.

New features already available:

  • You can now preview the book synopsis in the library! *crowd cheers*
  • Explicit Content Warnings are now shown in the library before a book is selected. They will also still appear after a book is selected with details for why that label was applied by the author. 
  • Available file sizes have increased to 80MB to allow for illustrated books, children’s books, and coloring books!
  • There are also new page links appearing under the ‘Help’ section in your left navigation. Those pages are packed with helpful info and quick reference answers to commonly asked questions.
  • We’ve reversed the order of book reviews in your dashboard, so the most recent reviews you’ve received will always appear on top for quick reference.
  • To ensure readers aren’t missing work from their favorite authors, we’ve improved the “Favorites” feature, so when you add a new book, it will automatically appear in the library of any reader who has added any of your other books to their “Favorites” by clicking the ♥.

We’re currently in the process of adding Footnotes rewards for posting reviews on more review sites, including Barnes & Noble, BookBub, and Audible, to name a few. (We will run a private poll on this to get feedback on community preferences for sites to add before we complete that upgrade.)

A Giveaways wall (AKA ‘The Treehouse’) will also be available later this summer! This addition is especially exciting because it will be a powerful tool for helping authors build their email marketing lists.

If you’re not succeeding, we’re not succeeding, so we are paying close attention to what works and what doesn’t, and working hard to develop tools that will assist authors in building their readerships so they have more time to focus on what brought us all together to begin with: a love of storytelling.

We’re listening! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with site update suggestions. We’re always on the lookout for ways to improve the Bigfoot Reviews experience that will benefit everyone.

Happy Hunting!

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